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9 days of CHRISTMAS

Reflections from Brian's sermon


C for Christ

Do you ever get cards with Merry Xmas on them. It is like we are taking the Christ out of Christmas?

You’ve heard the classic story about the little boy who noticed the huge red-and-green sign spray-painted on a department story: "Happy Xmas." And he wondered aloud about the X. Why was it X-mas? And finally, in a forlorn voice, he asked his dad: "Did they cross Christ out of Christmas, Daddy?" And the father had never thought of it that way before, but finally nodded. "Yes, Son, I guess they did."

Does the X in Xmas make you think people are taking Christ out of christmas and emphasising santa claus instead, or does it remind you of the sacrifice He eventually offered once and for all on the cross.

H for Hark the herald

The herald was an angel appearing to Mary and saying do not be afraid, and this is a good message for all, because there are many times in our life when fear can hinder us.

The Pslamist tells us to; Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord. Psalm 31:24 and Paul tells us; The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again, rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship and by Him we cry Abba Father. Romans 8:15

R for Robin

What do robins on Christmas cards have to do with Christmas? Well we get some wonderful stories from our culture about the birds and how the robin got the red breast, and although they are not true they can teach us some important elections about God.

The Legend of Robin Redbreast

From A Christmas Stocking by Louise Betts Egan

Robin Redbreast

On that first Christmas, it is said, the night was wrapped in a bitter chill. The small fire in the stable was nearly out, and the Mother Mary worried that her baby would be cold. she turned to the animals about her and asked them for help.

“Could you blow on the embers,” she asked the ox, “so the fire might continue to keep my son warm?”

But the ox lay sound asleep on the stable floor and did not hear her. Next, mary asked the donkey to breathe life back into the fire, but the sleeping donkey did not hear Mary either. Nor did the horse or sheep. She wondered what to do.

Suddenly, Mary heard a fluttering of little wings. Looking up, she saw a plain, brown-coloured little robin fly into the stall. This robin had heard Mary calling to the animals and had come to help her himself. he went over to the dying fire and flapped his wings hard.

His wings were like little bellows, huffing and puffing air onto the embers, until they glowed bright red again. He continued to fan the fire, singing all the while, until the ashes began to kindle.

With his beak, the robin picked up some fresh, dry sticks and tossed them into the fire. As he did, a flame suddenly burst forth and burned the little bird’s breast a bright red. But the robin simply continued to fan the fire until it crackled brightly and warmed the entire stable. The Baby Jesus slept happily.

Mary thanked and praised the robin for all he had done. She looked tenderly at his red breast, burned by the flame, and said “From now on, let your red breast be a blessed reminder of your noble deed.”

And to this day, the robin’s red breast covers his humble heart

I for Incarnation

How often when we sing songs about the cattle are lowing and the baby is crying do we forget that Jesus was born a baby and had all the human weaknesses but He was incarnate.

What does Incarnation mean?

The Incarnation of the Son of God is the terminology used to describe what happened when the second person of the Trinity, the eternal Son of God, "became flesh" as he was miraculously conceived in the womb of the Virgin Mary according to the Bible. In the incarnation, the divine nature of the Son was perfectly united with human nature in one divine Person. This person, Jesus Christ, was both "truly God and truly man.” -

S for Shepherd

In the story of the birth of Christ we are told how the shepherds were visited by the angels and are led to the baby and to worship him. Jesus is our good shepherd’s and we are also called to be shepherds to others on our journey.

Will we welcome lost sheep back into the fold this Christmas?

T is for tidings

Tidings means recent news and the birth of Jesus brings Glad tidings and great joy that we can now accept freely the gift of light and forgiveness through Jesus Christ.

M is for Mary

Mary was blessed with the incarnation of Jesus and to be the chosen earthly mother is an extremely blessed role in this story. She kept Him in her womb for nine months and brought Him up and kept him safe with her husband Joseph.

How would you have reacted is the Angel had appeared and delivered the news the angel delivered to Mary?

Have a listen to a moving song from the recent Bible series.

A is for Angel

We have angels on to of our trees and do we really think of the part that they played and perhaps still play in our lives. Angels are the messengers of God and deliver the message to the various people in the story.

S is for Saviour

Saviour is an old word and means to save from any degree of evil or sin. Jesus is our saviour as he chose to be born to this world and to be led to be hung on the cross for our sins, and He put an end to them once and for all so that we can stand in front of God the Father through the grace of Christ.

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