Christ is King24th November 2013 Colossians 1:11 May you be strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, for all endurance and...
2 Thes 3:13The sermon was based on Paul's second letter to the Thesselonians, chapter 3, verse 6-13. This week's sermon had the theme of; Don't give...
Mission - not through words but through acts of LoveBrian expanded on how mission used to involve inviting people to events at the church and then telling them about Jesus. But mission has...
Are we creating barriers in life?The parable of Lazarus and the rich man. Divas, the rich man had imposed a barrier between himself and Lazarus, not just a physical wall...
The parable of the shrewd managerWhat is Jesus really trying to tell us in this parable? Is he really saying it is okay to be dishonest? Or is he telling us that if the...
How can we be in mission mode constantly?Jesus seemed to be in mission mode constantly. Is this an achievable way of living if we have families and commitments to keep. I find I...